What are the Status Codes for .ng Domain Names?

Your .ng domain name will show different statuses on WHOIS records, and knowing what these statuses mean can save you from losing your domain name. This page might be something you should bookmark or keep for reference. Every domain name has at least one of these statuses on it or more, each status has a purpose, and you should be aware of it.

Some of these statuses serve as a warning, while some give you insight into what your domain name situation is like at the registry level. You can use our WHOIS Info tool to check the status of your domain name.

Domain Statuses Table

 Status Code

Purpose of Presence

Action Suggestion

 OK This is standard status meaning the domain is fine and can be renewed or transferred. Add clientTransferProhibited
 addPeriod  A newly registered domain name is in this status when it has a grace period for a permanent addition.  None
 pendingDelete  Your domain name is expired and set to be deleted by the registry within a few days.  Contact us to retrieve the domain immediately or lose the domain.
 pendingCreate  Your domain name has been added to the registry, but it is processed.  If this status is on for longer than 48hrs, you should contact us
 pendingRenew  Your domain name renewal request has been submitted to the registry and is being processed.  If this status is on for longer than 48hrs, you should contact us.
 pendingTransfer  Your domain name is transferred to another registrar, and the registry has processed the request.  If you didn't initiate any transfer for your domain name, you should contact us immediately.
 pendingUpdate  There is a domain information update request at the registry, and it is being processed.  If you didn't make any changes to your domain name, you should contact us immediately.
 redemptionPeriod  When you see this status on your domain, it is expired and has passed the renewal grace period. You will now be charged extra fees to renew it.  You should contact us immediately if you want to renew the domain name.
 clientHold  Our registrar pauses your domain name due to some reason. Usually, we should communicate with you about this at the time of the incident. When this is on, your domain name will no longer function online.  You should contact us to remove this status from your domain name.
 clientTransferProhibited  This status indicated your domain name is protected from being transferred to another registrar.   None
 clientRenewProhibited  This indicates our registrar has locked your domain name and prevented it from being renewed.  If this status appears on your domain name, please contact us.
 clientUpdateProhibited  Your domain name is not allowed to perform any change in its registry information.  None. Unless you want to make a change in your WHOIS information.
 clientDeleteProhibited  Your domain name is protected from being deleted by the registry; this is an added security.  If you want this status on your domain name. Please contact us.
 serverHold  The registry pauses your domain name due to some reason. This happens if there is any dispute or issue at the registry level regarding your domain name. While in this status, the domain will no longer function online.  Please contact us immediately if your domain name is in this status.
 serverTransferProhibited  This status indicates the registry has blocked all transfers of this domain name to any other registrar. This status appears if your domain is under any dispute or legal issues with the registry. The .ng registry also applies for this status on domain names they sell in the premium market.  If your domain has this status, please contact us to rectify it unless it is a premium purchased from NiRA.
 serverUpdateProhibited  This status appears on your domain when the registry has locked all changes on the domain name. This could be due to any issues such as disputes or legal cases to prevent any further change in the domain.   If this status appears on your domain name, please contact us.
 serverDeleteProhibited  The registry has stopped this domain name from being removed; this happens if the registry is keeping the domain name or it is in redemptionPeriod, and they are not allowing it to be deleted. It could also show if there is any legal or dispute related to the domain.  Please contact us if this status appears on your domain name.









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